#Not1More Deportation

Undocumented Caravan Stops in OC Today Along its Statewide Pro-TRUST Act Trip

Source: OCWeekly.com

California families started their undocumented caravan journey on Monday urging the passage of the TRUST Act. As it makes its way from San Diego to Sacramento, one of the planned stops includes the cities of SanTana and Orange.

“The TRUST act will limit collaboration between local law enforcement and ICE,” says Veronica Federovsky, West Coast Coordinator with the National Day Laborer Organizing Network (NDLON). “Each city we are stopping at we are having an action to send that message.”

Arriving today, the caravan will team with local organizations for a #Not1More deportation march at 2:30 p.m. starting from the Santa Ana Police Department and ending at Theo Lacy County Jail. The facility in Orange was outed by a DC-based organization as one of the ten worst immigrant detention centers in the nation.

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