#Not1More Deportation

All posts tagged unitarian universalists

The following opinion piece was written by three Unitarian ministers in Arizona as a reflection on right relation and strategic direction for faith leaders’ participation in the immigrant rights movement after their participation in mass protests to “shut down ICE” in October of this year.

It is not often in the news. Every day, more than 1,100 people are removed or deported from the U.S. The number adds up to roughly 400,000 per year – a quota set by President Obama’s administration. Families are being torn apart every single day.

From the days of the Hebrew prophets and long before, people of faith have acted up and spoken out to counter abuse and oppression. Our faith instructs us to treat every person with worth and dignity and to remember that what affects one affects us all. Compassion is calling for a refocusing of strategy.  Read more