#Not1More Deportation

Greg Margolis

Portland, Oregon

Greg Margolis is a 64 year old semi retired paralegal worker who has lived in Portland for 30 years. He is a long time member of Portland Jobs with Justice, Co-chair of JWJ Global Justice and Trade Committee, a member of the Jobs With Justice Executive Board, and is also active with many other social justice groups. He says “I support immigrant rights because my grandparents were immigrants and at one time so were the ancestors of most Americans. I do not believe any human being should be criminalized for merely crossing an arbitrary border. I also believe that our governmental policies have been responsible for expanding the need for migration especially from Mexico as a result of the NAFTA “free” trade agreement. This agreement allowed major American agricultural conglomerates to undersell Mexican farmers by removing tariffs and subsidizing these huge corporations with American tax payer money. As a result some 2 million agricultural workers in Mexico lost their ability to make a living farming and were forced to migrate here to make money to feed their families.”
