#Not1More Deportation

Rosa Lozano


Rosa Lozano is a second-generation Salvadoran immigrant who was born in New York and raised in Washington D.C. Her family came to the United States fleeing persecution from El Salvador for being part of the resistance movement during the civil war, and first came to the country undocumented. She also has several other undocumented relatives, some who have been in immigration detention and in deportation proceedings. Rosa has been an organizer in labor rights and immigrant rights since she was a student in college, and has been active in fights against SB1070, Secure Communities, and deportations. “Today is the first day that Congress is on winter break. Meanwhile, 1,100 families continue to be broken apart every day. Our communities cannot wait any longer. The President has the power to stop deportations and stop the suffering. I am here to tell him that until he stops deportations, we will continue to bring attention to the stories of families being broken apart,” she explained regarding her participation in today’s action.
