#Not1More Deportation

Immigration reform: Dozens fasting, praying, want deportations stopped

MORRISTOWN — Cristian Dardon hasn’t eaten since Monday. He’s feeling a little tired.

But Dardon — sitting outside St. Margaret of Scotland Church on Speedwell Avenue — has resolve. He’s taking part in the National Fast to Say ‘Not one More Deportation, organized by the National Day Laborer Organizing Network. The campaign has hit various locations throughout the country on various weeks, including Freehold on the week of May 18.

Wind of the Spirit has posted this sign at St. Margaret Church in Morristown, on Speedwell Avenue.Louis C. Hochman/NJ.com

“I believe in prayer, and I believe in fasting,” said Dardon, who said he struggles with English but managed to make his purpose for being outside St. Margaret’s clear. “I believe it can make a difference.”

The movement’s goals are twofold. It wants President Barack Obama to immediately suspend deportations, while Congress continues to negotiate immigration reform. And wants a reform bill that will be “inclusive of all 11 million undocumented people in the US.”

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