#Not1More Deportation

Iris de Anda – Jornalero

tu fuerza como el sol

tus manos alimentan la vida

tu dedicacion alienta el dia

tu sudor derrama memoria

tu buscas hasta encontrar

tu sigues sin descansar

tu trabajo a muchos inspira

tu sueñas con mucha alegria

tu camino lleno de lucha

tus plegarias todos escuchan

tu dia a dia bajo el calor

tu presencia llena de valor

tu ganas el respeto

tu hombre jornalero

About the Poet: Iris De Anda is a writer, activist, and practitioner of the healing arts. A native of Los Angeles she believes in the power of spoken word, poetry, storytelling, and dreams. She has been published in Mujeres de Maiz Zine, Loudmouth Zine: Cal State LA, OCCUPY SF poems from the movement, & online @ La Bloga. She is an active contributor to Poets Responding to SB 1070. She performs at community venues & events throughout the Los Angeles area. She hosted The Writers Underground Open Mic 2012 @ Mazatlan Theatre & 100,000 Poets for Change 2012 @ the Eastside Cafe. Follow her story http://irisdeanda.typepad.com/la_writer_underground/


Jornalero - Iris de Anda